The SliderComponent creates a fully customisable slider for you. With it, you can adjust any numeric value or layer property. It consists of three layers: the slider itself, the fill and the knob.
# Create a SliderComponent
slider = new SliderComponent
By default, the slider has a dark fill color, a light-gray backgroundColor
and rounded corners with borderRadius
. The radius of the fill automatically matches with that of the slider, so you only need to set it once.
# Customize the appearance
slider.backgroundColor = "#ddd"
slider.borderRadius = 4
slider.knob layer
The knob of the slider. By default, it's made circular using borderRadius
and has a little bit of a drop shadow applied to it.
# Create a SliderComponent
slider = new SliderComponent
# Customize the appearance
slider.knob.shadowY = 2
slider.knob.shadowBlur = 4
slider.knob.borderRadius = 6
The knob is a draggable layer, with momentum
# Disable momentum
slider.knob.draggable.momentum = false
slider.knobSize number
The size of the knob. This automatically sets the width and height of the knob. The default value is 30
# Create a SliderComponent
slider = new SliderComponent
# Change the size of the knob
slider.knobSize = 40
slider.fill layer
The fill of the slider. The width and height are automatically updated, based on the size of the slider. By default, its backgroundColor
is set to #333
# Create a SliderComponent
slider = new SliderComponent
# Set the fill color to blue
slider.fill.backgroundColor = "#28affa"
slider.min number
The mininum value of the slider. Set to 0
by default.
# Create a SliderComponent
slider = new SliderComponent
# Set the minimum value
slider.min = -1
slider.max number
The maximum value of the slider. Set to 1
by default.
# Create a SliderComponent
slider = new SliderComponent
# Set the maximum value
slider.max = 2
slider.value number
The value of the slider. Set to 0.5
by default.
# Create a SliderComponent
slider = new SliderComponent
# Print the current value
print slider.value
You can listen to any value changes with the "change:value"
event. This is useful for retreiving the value or mapping it to another layer property, like changing the opacity of a layer with the slider.
slider.on "change:value", ->
print this.value
slider.pointForValue(value number)
Takes a value and returns the corresponding point
(x) within the slider. With a slider ranging from 0 to 1, the pointForValue(0.5)
will be the center of the slider. With a width of 200
, this will return 100
# Create a SliderComponent
slider = new SliderComponent
width: 200
# Print the point for a value of 0.5
print slider.pointForValue(0.5)
# Returns 100
slider.valueForPoint(value number)
Takes a point and returns the corresponding value
of the slider. With a width of 200
, the valueForPoint(100)
will be the center of the slider. With a slider ranging from 0 to 1, this will return 0.5
# Create a SliderComponent
slider = new SliderComponent
width: 200
# Print the value for the point 100
print slider.valueForPoint(100)
# Returns 0.5
slider.animateToValue(value number, animationOptions object)
Automatically animate to a specific value. Takes two arguments: the value and optionally custom animationOptions.
# Create a SliderComponent
slider = new SliderComponent
# Animate to 1
# Animate with a custom curve
slider.animateToValue(1, { curve: "spring(400,40,0)"})