
ScrollComponent는 컨텐츠를 스크롤하는데 사용한다. A ScrollComponent is used to scroll content. It implements momentum and spring physics, allows for customization, and emits different events.

The ScrollComponent is built with two layers. The ScrollComponent itself is a layer that masks its content. It has a content layer that has draggable enabled and constraints configured. It automatically manages the size of the content layer based on the total size of the sub layers of the content layer.

# Create a new ScrollComponent
scroll = new ScrollComponent
    width: 100
    height: 100

# Include a Layer
layerA = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content

You can also wrap an existing layer within a ScrollComponent, using ScrollComponent.wrap(). The ScrollComponent will insert itself in-between the content and its super layer. This is useful when you've imported designs from Sketch or Photoshop and want to make a layer scrollable. You can learn more about wrapping in the learn section.

layerA = new Layer
    width: 300
    height: 300

scroll = ScrollComponent.wrap(layerA)


Before the ScrollComponent, Framer relied on native browser scrolling with layer.scroll. This is still supported, and allows you to experiment with native scrolling and trackpad scrolling.

scroll.content <layer>

The layer to add content to. To add content, create a new Layer and set its superLayer to the scroll.content layer. When the content doesn't fit the ScrollComponent it will be clipped.

scroll = new ScrollComponent
    width: 100
    height: 100

layerA = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content
    image: "images/bg.png"
    width: 100
    height: 200

scroll.contentInset <object>

Inset for the content. This will give your content extra padding between the constraints and the actual content layers.

scroll = new ScrollComponent
    width: 100
    height: 100

layerA = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content
    image: "images/bg.png"
    width: 100
    height: 200

scroll.contentInset =
    top: 20
    right: 0
    bottom: 20
    left: 0

scroll.speedX <number>

Horizontal scrolling speed, number between 0 and 1. Default value is 1.

scroll = new ScrollComponent

layerA = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content 

scroll.speedX = 0.5

scroll.speedY <number>

Vertical scrolling speed, number between 0 and 1. Default value is 1.

scroll = new ScrollComponent

layerA = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content 

scroll.speedY = 0.5

scroll.scroll <boolean>

Enable or disable scrolling. Enabled by default. If you set this to false, it will set both scrollVertical and scrollHorizontal to false.

scroll = new ScrollComponent

layerA = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content

scroll.scroll = false

scroll.scrollHorizontal <boolean>

Enable or disable horizontal scrolling.

scroll = new ScrollComponent

layerA = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content

scroll.scrollHorizontal = false

scroll.scrollVertical <boolean>

Enable or disable vertical scrolling.

scroll = new ScrollComponent

layerA = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content

scroll.scrollVertical = false

scroll.scrollX <number>

Horizontal scroll location.

scroll = new ScrollComponent

layerA = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content

scroll.scrollX = 250

scroll.scrollY <number>

Vertical scroll location.

scroll = new ScrollComponent

layerA = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content 

scroll.scrollY = 250

scroll.scrollPoint <object>

Define the scroll location with x and y properties.

scroll = new ScrollComponent

layerA = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content

scroll.scrollPoint =
    x: 0
    y: 50

scroll.scrollFrame <object>

Visible scroll frame.

scroll = new ScrollComponent

layerA = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content

scroll.scrollFrame =
    x: 0
    y: 250
    width: 250
    height: 250

scroll.velocity <number>

Current scroll speed and direction in pixels per second at this current time.

scroll = new ScrollComponent

# On scroll, print the velocity
scroll.on Events.Scroll, ->
    print scroll.velocity

scroll.direction <string>

Current scrolling direction. Returns "up", "down", "left", or "right". The scrolling direction is the inverse of the direction of the drag action: when dragging downwards, you're effectively scrolling upwards. This property is read-only.

scroll = new ScrollComponent

# On scroll, print the direction
scroll.on Events.Scroll, ->
    print scroll.direction

scroll.angle <number>

Current scrolling angle (in degrees). The scrolling angle is the inverse of the direction of the drag action: when dragging downwards, you're effectively scrolling upwards. This property is read-only.

scroll = new ScrollComponent

# On scroll, print the angle
scroll.on Events.Scroll, ->
    print scroll.angle

scroll.closestContentLayer(originX <number>, originY <number>)

Returns: Layer Object

Get the layer closest to the ScrollComponent, depending on the defined origin. The origin is defined as numbers between 0 and 1, where (0,0) is the top-left corner, (0.5, 0.5) the center, and (1,1) the bottom-right corner.

The default values are (0,0). This means that it calculates the distance from the top-left of the ScrollComponent to the top-left of the content layers.

scroll = new ScrollComponent

# Create content layers
layerA = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content
    name: "layerA"
    x: 0
    y: 0

layerB = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content
    name: "layerB"
    x: 50
    y: 50

# Get the Layer of which the center point is closest
# to the center point of the ScrollComponent
print scroll.closestContentLayer(0.5, 0.5)

scroll.closestContentLayerForScrollPoint(<object>, originX <number>, originY <number>)

Returns: Layer Object

Get the content layer closest to a specific point.

scroll = new ScrollComponent

# Create content layers
layerA = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content
    name: "layerA"
    x: 0
    y: 0

layerB = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content
    name: "layerB"
    x: 50
    y: 50

# Get the layer of which the top-left corner is closest to x: 50, y: 25
print scroll.closestContentLayerForScrollPoint(
    x: 50
    y: 25

# Returns layerB

You can adjust the origin values to define how the distance is calculated. The default values are (0,0). This means that it calculates the distance from the top-left of the ScrollComponent to the top-left of the content layers.

scroll = new ScrollComponent

# Create content layers
layerA = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content
    name: "layerA"
    x: 0
    y: 0

layerB = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content
    name: "layerB"
    x: 50
    y: 50

# With the origins set to the center, layerA becomes the closest.
print scroll.closestContentLayerForScrollPoint({ x: 50, y: 25 }, 0.5, 0.5)

# Returns layerA

scroll.scrollToPoint(point <object>, animate <boolean>, animationOptions <object>)

Scroll to a specific point, optionally animating. Takes three arguments: a point (x and y), animate (true or false), and animation options.

scroll = new ScrollComponent

# Scroll content to x: 300, y: 100
    x: 200, y: 100
    curve: "ease"

# Scroll very slowly
    x: 200, y: 100
    curve: "ease", time: 10

scroll.scrollToLayer(layer Layer <object>, originX <number>, originY <number>, animate <boolean>, animationOptions <object>)

Scroll to a specific layer. Takes five arguments: a layer, originX, originY, animate (true or false) and animation options. You can only scroll to layers that are subLayers of the scroll.content layer.

# Create ScrollComponent
scroll = new ScrollComponent
    width: 500
    height: 500

# Define Background
layerA = new Layer
    x: 500
    y: 1000
    image: "bg.png"
    superLayer: scroll.content

# Scroll to this layer
scrollerA = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content


The originX and originY arguments define the point within the layer that will be scrolled to. The default values are 0,0 - which is the top-left corner.

    0.5, 0
    time: 2

scroll.scrollToClosestLayer(originX <number>, originY <number>)

Scroll to the closest content layer, using the given origin. The default values are (0,0) which is the top-left corner, (0.5, 0.5) the center, and (1,1) the bottom-right corner.

scroll = new ScrollComponent

layerA = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content
    x: 75
    y: 75

# Scroll to the center of layerA
scroll.scrollToClosestLayer(0.5, 0.5)

scroll.mouseWheelEnabled <boolean>

Enable or disable scrolling with mousewheel. Disabled by default. When set to true, layers can be scrolled both by dragging and with the mouse.

scroll = new ScrollComponent
    width: 100
    height: 100

# Allow scrolling with mouse
scroll.mouseWheelEnabled = true

layerA = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content
    image: "images/bg.png"
    width: 100
    height: 200

scroll.wrap(layer <Layer object>)

Wraps a layer within a new ScrollComponent. This is useful to create scrollable layers out of imported layers.

# Import files from Sketch
sketch = Framer.Importer.load "imported/Scrollable"

# Wrap the "content" layer group
scroll = ScrollComponent.wrap(sketch.content)

Now, scroll is the variable name of the ScrollComponent. This also automatically wraps your layer within a ScrollContent layer, which you can select to adjust certain properties like momentum, overdrag or bounce.

# Import files from Sketch
sketch = Framer.Importer.load "imported/Scrollable"

# Wrap the "content" layer group
scroll = ScrollComponent.wrap(sketch.content)

# Change scroll properties
scroll.scrollHorizontal = false
scroll.speedY = 0.5

# Change scroll.content properties
scroll.content.draggable.momentum = true
scroll.content.draggable.overdrag = false
scroll.content.draggable.bounce = false


Re-calculates and updates the size of the content and the dragging constraints. It also accounts for the contentInset.

If you're looking to change the size of your content layers, you can call it to update the size of your ScrollComponent accordingly.

scroll = new ScrollComponent

# Update the contents of the ScrollComponent

Returns: ScrollComponent

Copies a ScrollComponent, including its content and properties.

scroll = new ScrollComponent

layerA = new Layer
    superLayer: scroll.content

# Copy the ScrollComponent
scrollB = scroll.copy()