
PageComponent는 ScrollComponent를 기반으로 한다. 하지만 연속된 콘텐츠를 페이지 형태로 보여주기 위해서 만들어졌다. 다른 크기의 콘텐츠 layer각 가지더라도 지원하며, 위치와 스크롤 속도에 따라서 layer로 스냅사진처럼 보여지게 할 수 있다.

# Create a new PageComponent and only allow horizontal scrolling.
page = new PageComponent
    width: Screen.width
    height: Screen.height
    scrollVertical: false

# Define the first page
pageOne = new Layer
    width: page.width
    height: page.height
    superLayer: page.content
    backgroundColor: "#28affa"

자 이제 2번째 페이지를 만들어보자. 추가 정보는 addPage method.를 참고하자.

# Define second page
pageTwo = new Layer
    width: page.width
    height: page.height
    backgroundColor: "#90D7FF"

# Add the second page to the right
page.addPage(pageTwo, "right")

컨텐츠를 추가하는 또 다른 방법은 for-loop을 사용하는 것이다.

# Create a new PageComponent and only allow horizontal scrolling.
page = new PageComponent
    width: Screen.width
    height: Screen.height
    scrollVertical: false
    backgroundColor: "#fff"

# Create 5 new layers and add them to the page.content
for number in [0...5]
    pageContent = new Layer
        width: page.width
        height: page.height
        x: page.width * number
        backgroundColor: Utils.randomColor(0.5)
        superLayer: page.content

    # Visualize the current page number
    pageContent.html = pageContent.html = number + 1

    # Center the current page number =
        "font-size" : "100px",
        "font-weight" : "100",
        "text-align" : "center",
        "line-height" : "#{page.height}px"

page.originX <number>

origin은 01사이 값을 갖는다. 0은 왼쪽 모서리이고 1은 오른쪽 모서리를 뜻한다. 기본값은 0.5고 중앙이다.

originX 값은 페이지가 어떻게 수평으로 스냅효과를 낼지를 정의한다. originX를 조정하는 효과는 페이지의 높이가 PageComponent보다 작을 때만 가능하다.

page = new PageComponent
page.originX = 0

page.originY <number>

origin은 01사이 값을 갖는다. 0은 왼쪽 모서리이고 1은 오른쪽 모서리를 뜻한다. 기본값은 0.5고 중앙이다.

originY 값은 페이지가 어떻게 수직으로 스냅효과를 낼지를 정의한다. originY를 조정하는 효과는 페이지의 폭이 PageComponent보다 작을 때만 가능하다.

page = new PageComponent
page.originY = 0

page.velocityThreshold <number>

The velocityThreshold influences the role velocity plays in snapping to a different page. Besides the scrolling distance, the PageComponent also takes your scrolling speed (velocity) into account.

page = new PageComponent
page.velocityThreshold = 0.2

To better understand the effects of adjusting the velocityThreshold, you can print out your velocity after scrolling. If you want switching between pages to be based mostly on distance, increase the velocityThreshold.

# Increase the velocityThreshold
page.velocityThreshold = 5

# After switching between pages, print the velocity
page.on Events.ScrollEnd, ->
    print Math.abs(page.velocity.x)

page.animationOptions <object>

Set the animation options for the PageComponent. This defines the animation that occurs on ScrollEnd, when snapping to a page.

page = new PageComponent

page.animationOptions =
    curve: "ease"
    time: 0.25


Returns Layer Object

Get the current page layer. This property is read-only.

page = new PageComponent

# Get the current page layer
print page.currentPage

Note that you have to have pages within the page.content layer. You can also listen to the "change:currentPage" event to get the new currentPage, after it has been changed.

page = new PageComponent

# When the current page changes, print the new one
page.on "change:currentPage", ->
    print page.currentPage


Returns: Layer Object

Get the closest page layer. This property is read-only.

page = new PageComponent

# Get the current page layer

Note that you have to have pages within the page.content layer. You can also listen to the Scroll event to get the page closest page while scrolling.

# Create a new PageComponent and only allow horizontal scrolling.
page = new PageComponent

# Print the closest page while scrolling
page.on Events.Scroll, ->
    print page.closestPage

page.nextPage(direction <string>, currentPage <layer>)

Returns: Layer Object

Get the next page. Takes two arguments: direction and the currentPage. By default, the direction is set to "right" and the currentPage will be the first page.

page = new PageComponent
    width: Screen.width
    height: Screen.height

pageOne = new Layer
    width: page.width
    height: page.height
    superLayer: page.content
    backgroundColor: "#28affa"

pageTwo = new Layer
    width: page.width
    height: page.height
    backgroundColor: "#90D7FF"

page.addPage(pageTwo, "right")
print page.nextPage()

We can also set the currentPage to any other page. For instance, we can look which layer is at the left of the second page.

# Get the page to the left of pageTwo
print page.nextPage("left", pageTwo)

# Returns pageOne


Returns: Layer Object

Get the previous page. Effectively the same as getting the page on the left using page.nextPage("left"). This property is read-only.

page = new PageComponent

# Get the previous page
print page.previousPage

page.snapToPage(page <layer>, animate <boolean>, animationOptions)

Snap to a specific page. Takes three arguments: a page.content layer, animate (true or false) and animation options. By default, animate is set to true and the animationCurve use a spring curve.

page = new PageComponent
    width: Screen.width
    height: Screen.height

pageOne = new Layer
    width: page.width
    height: page.height
    superLayer: page.content
    backgroundColor: "#28affa"

pageTwo = new Layer
    width: page.width
    height: page.height
    backgroundColor: "#90D7FF"

page.addPage(pageTwo, "right")

# Automatically scroll to pageTwo
page.snapToPage( pageTwo)

In the example above, we can customize the scrolling animation by defining custom animationOptions as well.

# Define a slower easing curve
    animationOptions = curve: "ease", time: 2

page.snapToNextPage(direction <string>, animate <boolean>, animationOptions)

Snap to a specific the next page. Takes three arguments: direction, animate (true or false) and animation options. By default, the direction is set to "right" and animate is true.

page = new PageComponent
    width: Screen.width
    height: Screen.height

pageOne = new Layer
    width: page.width
    height: page.height
    superLayer: page.content
    backgroundColor: "#28affa"

pageTwo = new Layer
    width: page.width
    height: page.height
    backgroundColor: "#90D7FF"

page.addPage(pageTwo, "right")

# Automatically scroll to pageTwo

This allows you to snap to pages in any direction. For example, we can start on the first page by snapping to it without animating, and then animate back to the first page.

# Start at page two by default
page.snapToPage(pageTwo, false)

# Scroll back to the page at its left, which is pageOne
page.snapToNextPage("left", true)


Snaps to the previous page. It keeps track of all previously visited pages, included the direction.

page = new PageComponent

# Snap to the previous page

page.addPage(page <layer>, direction <string>)

Add a new page to the page.content layer of the PageComponent. It takes two arguments: a layer (page) and a direction ("right" or "bottom").

page = new PageComponent
    width: Screen.width
    height: Screen.height

# The first page, placed directly within the page.content
pageOne = new Layer
    width: page.width
    height: page.height
    superLayer: page.content
    backgroundColor: "#28affa"

# Second page
pageTwo = new Layer
    width: page.width
    height: page.height
    backgroundColor: "#90D7FF"

# Third page
pageThree = new Layer
    width: page.width
    height: page.height
    backgroundColor: "#CAECFF"

# Add the second and third page to the right
page.addPage(pageTwo, "right")
page.addPage(pageThree, "right")

If you're looking to add pages to the left, you can initially add them to the right, and instantly switch to a different page, using snapToPage().

page = new PageComponent
    width: Screen.width
    height: Screen.height

pageOne = new Layer
    width: page.width
    height: page.height
    superLayer: page.content
    backgroundColor: "#28affa"

pageTwo = new Layer
    width: page.width
    height: page.height
    backgroundColor: "#90D7FF"

# Add a page to the right
page.addPage(pageTwo, "right")

# Start at the second page by default
page.snapToPage(pageTwo, false)
page.horizontalPageIndex(page layer)

Get the index for a page component with horizontal pages. This is a number between 0 and the number of pages minus 1.

page = new PageComponent
    width: Screen.width
    height: Screen.height

pageA = new Layer
    size: page.size

pageB = new Layer
    size: page.size

page.addPage(pageA, "right")
page.addPage(pageB, "right")

print page.horizontalPageIndex(pageA)
# Prints: 0

print page.horizontalPageIndex(pageB)
# Prints: 1

page.verticalPageIndex(page <layer>)

Get the index for a page component with vertical pages. This is a number between 0 and the number of pages minus 1.

page = new PageComponent
    width: Screen.width
    height: Screen.height

pageA = new Layer
    size: page.size

pageB = new Layer
    size: page.size

page.addPage(pageA, "bottom")
page.addPage(pageB, "bottom")

print page.verticalPageIndex(pageA)
# Prints: 0

print page.verticalPageIndex(pageB)
# Prints: 1